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The memorable story of Peace Festival, hwpl WARP Summit 2016

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The Memorable Story of Peace Festival, Hwpl WARP Summit 2016

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"Peace Festival, hwpl WARP summit"
2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit
WARP 2016

Invitation Message

We cordially invite you to the 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit.

For the cause of leaving peace as a legacy for future generations, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) has worked towards the goal of cessation of war and world peace and actively been engaged in peace-building projects based on its main initiatives - endorsement of global legislation of peace through international cooperation, alliance of religions through interfaith dialogues, and spreading a culture of peace through youth and women’s worldwide activities.

This year, by courtesy of the international community with the widespread support from global leaders and citizens, HWPL is taking another great leap forward to realizing global peace. Former and incumbent heads of state, ministers and government officials, international law experts, religious leaders, the media, as well as representatives from civil society, academia, women and youth organizations will participate in the summit to discuss settling the environment of peace, transcending differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, and culture.

Peace is the timeless, invaluable asset for the humanity that must be transmitted to the future generations. We are delighted to welcome you to the 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit. Your presence and support will make the event more meaningful.



It is time for
Peace Festival, hwpl WARP summit
The WARP 2016 will be broadcast live

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Peace Festival,
hwpl WARP Summit 2016
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