Elena Hills's


Amazing Coldplay Came Korea : April 13, 2017

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Amazing Coldplay Came Korea : April 13, 2017

Already in South Korea!!!
Did you hear big news?
They came Korea
1day earlier :)
So exciting~XP

Coldplay in Taipei
I am looking forward to
playing in concert!
It would be fantastic!!! XD
They said
Elephant-led greeting party
in Korea on twitter
loool XD It is cute
They liked it much! :)
 Here is a real elephant!
in Thailand :)
Coldplay sing in the rain Taipei
I love all~!!!
Stay in Korea long time XD
Stay forever in heart
You know today is
Korea Black day, Apirl 14~?
It is a kind of Korea cultures
It is the day Koreans eat
Chinese noodles
called Jajangmyeon 
 Hehe I think It is good :)
I ate it twice :D It was so delicious
I recommended it
to my friend Jenny in UK
Have a great weekend
to all friends~!
love and peace
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