Elena Hills's


One World One Taekwondo : Come to 2017 Muju

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One World One Taekwondo : Come to 2017 Muju

Korea Taekwondo is Loved!

 Did you watch
google doodle today?
It is about a
2017 World Taekwondo
Championships Muju, South Korea

 2017 World Taekwondo Championships
is now going on!
 Preview_2017 World Taekwondo Championships
in Muju, Korea on June 24-30

Here is a message



My friend Jenny from UK
is interested in Taekwondo
So, She is learning Taekwondo
in her town with groups
I sent a youtube video to her
She really liked to hear that news!
I hope you like it too XD
I love this cute image!!! XD
I hope to learn
Taekwondo someday!

Hope peace and unity
all over the world :D

One World One Taekwondo :
 Come to 2017 Muju
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