Elena Hills's


HWPL Peace Walk 2017 : Talk & Walk

Did you hear Manchester terror?
I am so sorry to hear that ... 😢

by dailystar news
Today I heard other terror news
in Somalia and Jakarta...

What happened in the whole world?

I often read the world news
about conflicts, wars, terrors...when
I read the sad news like that
I felt sad..so sad 😭😭

I have had a dream
to make world peaceful :) so,
I have found some peace groups and
 I started writing for their working :D

I was so impressed at HWPL's work..!
Today I heard peace news also!
from hwpl.kr

Do you remember
the latest posting
about peace walk?
I read the history of
peace walk festival!
Awesome!!! XD

It became
an international walk festival
all over the world!
Worldwide people
participate in peace walk

I respect hwpl's vision
There was a man
who have been working for peace
for a long time... 
Chariman Man Hee Lee

I watched him in news at first.
He visited many countries
longing for peace
and advocated peace..!

I heard some peace school was built
and students are learning vision
by hwpl's peace education

I want a chance to visit there too :)

I am so excited XD
Peace walk 2017
coming soon :)

2017 Peace Walk
more view

HWPL facebook

[Peace Walk 2016] HWPL in Costa Mesa

Hi friends~! XD

In South Korea,
It is so sunny
and hot nowadays!

I think
May is the best season to travel in Korea! :)
I wish I would visit all cities in Korea!!!

Do you remember previous posting?
about 'Peace Walk'

Here it is!
Peace Walk 2016
HWPL in Cosat Mesa

Marchers walk in a peace rally Saturday at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa (Courtesy HWPL / Courtesy HWPL)  By Daily Pilot staff

Marchers gathered at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa on Saturday as part of the third annual commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace.
Volunteers at the peace walk collected petition signatures supporting a Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, which proposes an international initiative to draft a legally binding document for all nations to adopt promoting a culture of peace with the goal to end all wars.

It includes provisions aimed at "resolving conflicts, reducing war potential and repurposing weapons to benefit humanity," according to proponent Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light, or HWPL, an organization based in Seoul, South Korea.
Similar peace walks occurred in 52 countries, organizers said.

According to HWPL, the petition had more than 500,000 signatures from 154 countries as of May 25. The number is expected to reach 2 million by the end of the year, the group said.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) speaks during a rally Saturday at the OC Fair & Event Center commemorating the Declaration of World Peace, which seeks a global effort to end war. (Courtesy HWPL / Courtesy HWPL)

News by
Shall we walk together?
I hope so!!!

Welcome to IEEE ICC 2017 in Paris!

Do you know IEEE?
(Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers)
I somtimes heard it as
I am majoring in
computer engineering
but only in books :)
How about IEEE ICC 2017?

IEEE International Conference on Communications
21-25 May 2017 // Paris // France
IEEE ICC'17: Bridging People, Communities, and Cultures

Bridging People, Communities, and Cultures
IEEE ICC 2017 will be held at Palais des Congrès - Porte Maillot, Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017. Located in the heart of the City of Lights, IEEE ICC 2017 will exhibit an exciting technical program, complete with 13 Symposia highlighting recent progress in all major areas of communications. IEEE ICC 2017 will also feature high-quality Tutorials and Workshops, Industry Panels and Exhibitions, as well as Keynotes from prominent research and industry leaders.
Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the ICC 2017 Proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Proposals for Tutorials, Workshops, and Forums are also invited.
Visit http://www.ieee-icc.org for details and submission information.
To be published in the IEEE ICC 2017 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full or limited (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented at the conference. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full or limited registration is valid for up to 3 papers. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE ICC 2017 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®.
Full details of submission procedures are available at www.ieee-icc.org
 I am looking forward to
Keynote Speakers' ideas

I wish I would go to Paris
hehe XD
I hope to participate in
Hope so much~!!

A Memorable Peace Walk by HWPL

Have you heard
'Peace Walk'?

I have read lots of news by
Newsletter by HWPL
I have been interested in hwpl since
I watched their peace works
Peace Walk
Legislate Peace Campaign
and so on
I remember 'Peace Walk' last year
Many people participated in peace walk
It was on 25 May so
I am looking forward to watching it
again this year:)
Peace Walk 2016 Review
On 25 May 2016, the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk,

an international event to commemorate the proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace presented
by the Chairman of HWPL, was held at the World Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park. The Declaration of World Peace calls everyone to work to further the cause of world peace, making it a reality in their direct environments, cities, countries, and organizations around the world are annually holding the commemorative ceremonies and the peace walks. This particular year, 300,000 people gathered simultaneously in hundreds of cities and 105 peace walks are being held in 52 nations.

This year’s commemoration highlighted the global peace advocacy movement, Legislate Peace Campaign, recently launched to bring all wars to an end by establishing an enforceable law compatible with the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

Ecuador Earthquake Donation booths were located throughout the commemoration under the theme of Your Help Brings New Life to Ecuador.” Ambassador Jorge Alberto ICAZA, Deputy Chief of Mission and Consul General of Ecuador in Korea, attended and gave a congratulatory remarks. All donations made in hopes of fastest recovery of the nation during this event will be donated to Ecuador through the Embassy of Ecuador to Korea.
Actually I am so happy to know
a group like hwpl and
share the news with you :D
Have a good weekend
See ya~!!! XP

2017 HWPL Peace News in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Here is 2017 Peace News!

HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in the Kingdom of Cambodia

The Killing Fields is the place where one of the most fatal tragedies of human history occurred within the 20th century. However, from this history involving so much suffering and sadness, an earnest peace movement has sprouted. Over the course of four days, starting at the Wat Ounalom temple in Phnom Penh, and travelling all the way to the Al-Serkal Mosque, the HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp was held.
The participants of the camp numbered over 30 youths and included HWPL youth voulunteers, who hoped to gain deeper insights in the timely role of youth in peacebuilding, Cambodian students, and Buddhist monks from various temples across Cambodia.
These young peacekeepers took their first step together towards the ultimate goal of peace in Cambodia and future global peace through in-depth and sincere discussions and dialogues regarding religion, history, and culture, thus transcending the boundaries and barriers between them.

Buddhist Monks "Peace be upon  you"
(As-salamu alaykum) in Mosque

Day 1 ~ Day 4
 Day 1: April 1, 2017, Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh

On the first day, the camp program was held on the topic of “General History of World Religions” at Wat Ounalom, a Buddhist temple in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia. Without understanding world religions, it would be difficult to discuss peace. This is why on the first day of the camp, beliefs, practices, and cultures of the world’s major religions were introduced to the participants so that they could better understand each other, who came from different national and religious backgrounds. A guest speaker, Ven. Penh Vibol (Lecturer at Preah Sihanouk Raja Buddhist University and Panna Sastra University of Cambodia), spoke on the topic of “The Importance of Religious Gathering in Religious Peace” and delivered the message that now is the time to not just talk about peace but take action for peace in religion.

 Day 2: April 1, 2017, Al-Serkal Mosque, Phnom Penh

On the second day, the camp program was held on the topic of “Causes of Religious Conflicts & Disputes” at Al-Serkal Mosque. It was quite exceptional for such a program to be held at Al-Serkal Mosque. Tarence Song, one of the organizers of the camp, remarked,

 Opening this religious peace camp for youth was only possible because there was a profound partnership between Buddhism and Islam in Cambodia. Difficulties existed when religious practices must be respected and the mosque as a venue for the camp can be used at the same time. It was the result of a long, trust-based communication in the principle of co-existence and tremendous efforts by the Cambodian organizers.”
The youths, who visited Al-Serkal Mosque to participate in the program, wore hijabs and had time to learn Islamic culture and experience a religion that is not their own. One participant confessed that she was unfamiliar and even frightened to wear the hijab at first, but from discussing and experiencing different religions and their cultures through the camp program, she felt all people are one global family hoping for peace and dialogue is most important in achieving peace.

 Day 3-4: April 2, 2017, Picnic Campsite, Kompong Seila

The camp program of the third day took place at a picnic campsite located in Kompong Seila, which is about a three-hour drive from Phnom Penh. On the topic of “Resolution to Religious Conflicts & Disputes and the Religious Community’s Role for Peace,” the participants discussed the current situation of conflicts between religions and ways to resolve them. Although it is a tough challenge facing the international community, the participants approached it from a youth perspective that respects diversity and came up with some innovative and interesting ideas. Regarding the effort to settle religious conflicts, Ven. Ken Horn said,

"Different interpretation of religious scripture can cause conflict. We don't know what the real teaching is. We got lost. We have moved so far from the original. People use their own reasons to interpret differently and claim that it is the words of God. The UN alone is not effective. We have to focus on the local level, especially young people need to take actions for peace."

If you want to read all story...
Click the letter

Emma's storyThe invention that helped me write again

Haiyan Zhang helped Emma, It was a huge challenge!

I was touched when I read it
It is so amazing invention!
I hope to make something
for people
to help with their working
like her someday!
Here is Emma's Story
with Haiyan Zhang's team



7 December 2016 Last updated at 02:20 GMT
When Emma Lawton was 29 she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
As a graphic designer, drawing is a huge part of her life but over the past three years the tremor in her hands has grown more pronounced stopping her from writing and drawing straight lines.
Enter Haiyan Zhang and her invention that is changing Emma's life.

Join the conversation - find us on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter#BigLifeFix.

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