Elena Hills's


Appeal For Peace : Secretary-General António Guterres is saying

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Appeal For Peace : UN Secretary-General António Guterres is saying 

 There are still lots of wars, terros
all over the world...
UN New Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres
is trying for world peace

What is he saying?
 In his first message on his first day as United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres
appeals to the world for one shared new year resolution - to "put peace first" in the year 2017.
"Let us make 2017 a year for peace"
- UN Secretary-General António Guterres  
Senegalese peacekeepers from the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) Formed Police Unit (FPU) speak with Malians while they patrol outside Mamadou Konate Stadium during an event to promote peace among the youth. UN Photo/Marco Dormino

6 April 2017 – United Nations peacekeepers face a raft of challenges terrorism, hostile host governments, floods of illicit weapons, and sometimes being deployed to places where peace itself is at stake Secretary-General António Guterres said today, underscoring that all parts of the UN have a role to play in making sure 'blue helmets' can deliver on the mandates assigned to them.
Peace operations are at a crossroads. Our task is to keep them relevant with clear and achievable mandates, and the right strategies and support,”
“[and] we share a responsibility to adapt them to our changing world.   
And above all, we look to the [Security] Council for unity, and for clear, achievable mandates,”
entire peace continuum: from prevention, conflict resolution and peacekeeping to peacebuilding and long-term development. 
  “That is our objective for every peacekeeping mission: to do the job entrusted to it. To save lives. To prevent mass atrocities. To set the stage for stability and sustainable peace. And to close. And, from start to finish, to be cost-effective.
“Success depends on our collective efforts. You can count on my full commitment,”
“But I also count on the unity and support of [the Security] Council, to fulfil its primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security in this changing world. 

I support his saying
We can make
world peace together
"Let us make 2017 a year for peace"

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