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Happy Women's Day : International Women's Day (March 8)

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Happy Women's Day : International Women's Day (March 8)

Will you #BeBoldForChange?
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

#IWD2017 #BeBoldForChange

For International Women's Day 2017,
we're asking you to #BeBoldForChange

 Call on the masses or call on yourself to help forge a better working world
 - a more inclusive, gender equal world

International Women's Day : Brief history

International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since in the early 1900's - a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.
International Women's Day is a collective day of global celebration and a call for gender parity. No one government, NGO, charity, corporation, academic institution, women's network or media hub is solely responsible for International Women's Day.
Many organizations declare an annual IWD theme that supports their specific agenda or cause, and some of these are adopted more widely with relevance than others.
"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights,"
says world-renowned feminist, journalist and social and political activist Gloria Steinem.
Thus International Women's Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action - whatever that looks like globally at a local level. But one thing is for sure, International Women's Day has been occurring for well over a century - and continue's to grow from strength to strength.
Learn about the values that underpin and guide IWD's ethos.

International Women's Day 2017 events 
Each year International Women's Day sees thousands of events - global gatherings, conferences, awards, exhibitions, festivals, fun runs, corporate events, concert performances, speaking events, online digital gatherings and more. Events are held by women's networks, corporations, charities, educational institutions, government bodies, political parties, the media and further communities.

Anna in Russia
sent me a message
"Happy Women's day!
to my little sister"
"Hope peace and love
I support your dream!
Keep going!"
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